1 PerspectiveJanuary 29, 2009
Settlement Perspectives: The Newsletter
A Brief FYI for Readers Seeing this as a Post Online:
This is the first in a series of monthly(ish) newsletters to be sent by email to those who have signed up for Settlement Perspectives’ occasional newsletter. If you wish to receive future newsletters by email, please feel free to sign up in the space provided on the right or send me an email and I’ll put you on the list. Future newsletters will be posted here only occasionally. Thanks–
Dear Newsletter Reader–
Welcome to the first issue of Settlement Perspectives’ monthly(ish) newsletter, designed to explore even further what we usually discuss — thoughts on how to resolve disputes and get your deal done.
A natural question to ask before we publish the first newsletter is whether a new publication is even necessary — wouldn’t another blog post do just fine? Like any good lawyer I’ll respond with “maybe,” but I think a newsletter format works better to discuss:
- Upcoming posts on Settlement Perspectives;
- Recent news, comments and other events; and
- Recent posts on Settlement Perspectives.
What’s Next on Settlement Perspectives
A few of you have asked what’s in the pipeline at Settlement Perspectives — what’s next on the editorial calendar? While topics change to fit events (and, admittedly, moods and whims), posts with the following working titles are in various stages of research and preparation; you should see each of the following in the next month or so:
- One Tire Too Many: An Unexpected Lesson in Trust
- Do I Have to Pay the Other Side’s Attorneys’ Fees, Too? How Rule 68 Can (Sometimes) Help
- Is There a Business Case for Dedicated Settlement Counsel?
- One Way to Take Your Early Case Assessment to the Next Level
- Decision Tree Analysis: How to Put Your Tree Into Action.
Recent News, Comments and Other Events
- A New Job at BearingPoint. Although Settlement Perspectives is about how to resolve disputes and get your deal done, one thing impacts the timing and frequency of my posts over all others — my job at BearingPoint. And, as of December 31st, I am happy to say that I have been named as the Company’s Chief Legal Officer.
- Made to Stick. I’m excited to report that, in December, Chip and Dan Heath, authors of Made to Stick, did a post on their blog entitled “Curse of knowledge in negotiations” that explores Settlement Perspectives’ post on the same topic, styled “Why It May Be a Bad Idea to ‘Send Them a Message’”. They tell me I got it right. With the authors watching, I’m glad I did.
- Mediate.com. Soon after I launched Settlement Perspectives, I had a cup of coffee in Santa Monica with Vickie Pynchon, who recommended that I become a Mediate.com Featured Blogger so some of my posts would be featured on Mediate.com’s Blog Page; since then, the folks at Mediate.com have been kind enough to publish more than a few posts from Settlement Perspectives.
- Legal Onramp. In January I was invited to join Legal OnRamp, and Settlement Perspectives is now simulposted in their “Legal Blogs” area, along with the blogs of Stephanie West Allen and Diane Levin.
- Mediation Mind Mapping. One of the most fun posts we’ve done so far has been “Get to the Point, and Get It Across, With a Mediation Mind Map”. I was happy to see that others liked it, too — including The Greatest American Lawyer, The IP ADR Blog, the Strategic Legal Technology blog, and the Chicago IP Litigation Blog. I plan to post a more involved litigation mind map soon.
Recent Posts
In case they slipped past you, check out these recent posts on Settlement Perspectives for January and December:
- What High-Low Offers Can Do For You: Settlement Structures Part III
- Rule 68 Offers: A Few Sample Forms to Get You Started
- Decision Tree Analysis in Litigation: The Basics, which Diane Levin was kind enough to call one of the “must-read articles for professional mediators” on a post at MediationChannel.com yesterday
- How Close Are We? Another Way a Mediator Can Help, which was followed by helpful forms and commentary from Jeffrey Krivis and Mariam Zadeh and Gary Weiner and additional thoughts from Chris Annunziata
- Early Case Assessments: An Updated Index to Settlement Perspectives’ ECA Posts
- The Mediator’s Proposal: A Great Tool for Yesterday’s Disputes (which generated great feedback from Richard J. Webb and Vickie Pynchon)
- Why Should You Try a Decision Tree in Your Next Dispute?, which was highlighted by Ron Friedmann early this week on his Strategic Legal Technology blog.
If you missed any of these, you can receive a regular feed of Settlement Perspectives posts by clicking here. Still not sure about this whole RSS thing? Daniel Schwartz gives a great explanation about how RSS Feeds and blog subscriptions work, which are time-savers as well, on his Connecticut Employment Law Blog.
Thanks again for subscribing to Settlement Perspectives’ newsletter; if ever you want to unsubscribe, please just reply to this email and tell me so.
John DeGroote
Settlement Perspectives
(214) 823-0302
Categories: Blogging,Miscellaneous,Newsletters
1 Perspective:
Unit Interactive :: Blog :: Strong Connections — Friday, January 30, 2009 8:59 am
[...] not currently in need of negotiation advice, but I find his posts compelling and I think he’s got a great little newsletter …in an era when newsletters are made almost obsolete by blogs. In John’s case, however, his [...]