Add Your PerspectiveApril 29, 2010
Settlement Perspectives: The Newsletter, April 2010
A Brief FYI for Readers Seeing This as a Post Online:
This continues the series of Settlement Perspectives Newsletters I started in 2009, sent occasionally to those who have requested the email version. Future versions will be shorter, published monthly, and generally sent by email only. If you’d like to receive the next edition directly, feel free to send me an email or sign up using the space provided on the right and I’ll put you on the list. Thanks–
Dear Newsletter Reader–
Welcome to another issue of Settlement Perspectives’ occasional newsletter, designed to explore even further what we usually discuss — thoughts on how to resolve disputes and get your deal done.
These newsletters are designed to deliver three things:
- A preview of upcoming posts on Settlement Perspectives;
- Recent news, comments and miscellaneous information; and
- Links to recent posts on Settlement Perspectives.
Miscellaneous News, Comments and Events
I’m happy to report a few recent developments:
- New professional website. In February I launched as More…
Categories: Blogging,Miscellaneous,Newsletters
3 PerspectivesJanuary 6, 2010
Zen Unicorn: 4 Mediator Marketing Lessons from Seth Godin
Marketing guru Seth Godin isn’t a mediator and, as far as I know, doesn’t even know what one is, but that doesn’t seem to matter. From my perspective — the perspective of one who often selects the mediator — the marketing lessons in Zen Unicorn are tailor-made for mediators and settlement professionals.
Godin has written more than a few books already, but his recent Zen Unicorn is a great idea. It simply rolls up some of the best posts from his blog over the past 3 years and presents them in a click-free, Kindle-only ebook. Four of those posts, and why they’re relevant to mediators, include:
Make something happen
“The best time to plant an oak tree is 20 years ago, and the second best time is now.” I don’t know who said it, but it certainly applies to marketing. In Make something happen Godin tells us to More…
Categories: Blogging,Communication,Mediation,Miscellaneous
6 PerspectivesDecember 31, 2009
A Simple Thank You
Yesterday I got to spend a little time with Michael Maslanka, whose Blawg 100-listed Work Matters site many of you might know. As Mike and I shared ideas and perspectives on Web 2.0, blogging in general, and the true sense of community that drives it all, I reflected a bit on 2009 and the people and personalities that make Settlement Perspectives what it is.
While that first post of 2009 seems like only yesterday, a lot has happened since then. Through it all many of you have subscribed to, commented on and forwarded the posts you have seen here, and for that I cannot thank you enough.
In addition to the active readership we have at Settlement Perspectives, several prominent bloggers and publications have linked to our posts. Following up on a great idea I saw earlier this week on the Loree Reinsurance and Arbitration Law Forum, I take this opportunity to highlight many of those blogs and publications as a way to say “thank you”.
Decision Tree Analysis And More
Early in the year we did a series on decision trees and how to use them more effectively in mediation and litigation. The series generated some interesting discussions, including:
- The National Law Journal’s “Corporate Warfare Has to Make Business Sense These Days”, written by Michael Cavendish — a business litigator who knows what questions to ask and who understands where the practice of law is headed;
- Litigation Accounting for In-House Counsel at the IP ADR Blog, now Commercial ADR – Commercial Solutions to Justice Problems, which is a new initiative from talented trainer and mediator Victoria Pynchon;
- Diane Levin’s post A round-up of must-read articles for professional mediators, which More…
Categories: Blogging,Negotiation
4 PerspectivesNovember 25, 2009
In-House Legal Blogs, Social Media and Web 2.0: Can They Advance Your Career?
I don’t stray off topic often, but occasionally I do — with a warning. This is one of those rare occasions where we won’t talk about negotiation, mediation or settlement strategy; feel free to scroll to the next post if that’s why you’re here.
This month InsideCounsel magazine published an article from the always interesting Mike Evers with a title that — for some reason — caught my eye: Using Web 2.0 to Advance Your Career. Although Mike admittedly says some nice things about Settlement Perspectives, he also gives us a rare recruiter’s-eye view of why in-house counsel might want to join the online conversation.
Why Manage Your Digital Footprint?
With the popularity of Legal OnRamp and LinkedIn and more, the opportunities to manage your digital footprint expand every day. But many in-house lawyers aren’t convinced. Isn’t there safety in anonymity? Mike’s response is simple and direct:
For readers with privacy concerns, get over it. Embrace the fact that your professional life is public.
And Mike is right. I did an Internet search for a fellow in-house lawyer More…
Categories: Blogging