1 PerspectiveNovember 16, 2008
The National Arbitration Forum Blog: A Great Resource Turns Four
In September I wrote Come on In, the Water’s Fine to mark the end of this site’s first month in the blogosphere. While Settlement Perspectives’ 30-day anniversary was hardly the time for a memoir, it still felt like a milestone. But on Friday I ran across The National Arbitration Forum Blog’s most recent post: Celebrate the National Arbitration Forum Blog’s 4th Birthday. Four years of great content. I am truly impressed.
The Forum’s Fourth Birthday Post lists “some of the most talked about posts of the last year,” and it links to some good ones. I’ll say “Happy Birthday” by doing a bit of the same from my own perspective — the following are a few of my favorite posts from the past four years at The National Arbitration Forum Blog, in no particular order:
- 9 Tips to Better Negotiation Skills, Young Attorneys Take Note!: Important negotiating tips for young and old — and helpful links, as well.
- Playing the Odds, Settlement or Trial?: Highlighting an important article in The New York Times on settlement vs. trial.
- Mediation “How-To” for Trial Lawyers: A great summary of a Trial article by Stewart I. Edelstein on “how to choose a mediator, prepare to mediate, select strategies, get past impasse and finalize the mediation.”
- Why Not Negotiate Before We Litigate? A summary of H. Scott Flegal’s Nashua Telegraph column, “Before litigation, give mediation a chance”.
- Practical Tips for Mediation Success: Linking to an article by the same name for lawyers new to mediation in Hearsay, published by Minnesota State Bar Association New Lawyers Section
- A Tale of Two Lawyers’ Approaches to Mediation: A summary of Richard M. Barron’s article A Tale of Two Lawyers. Because attitude matters.
- Overlawyered.com Spotlights Studies, Who Wins in Arbitration?: Highlights Consumer and employee win rates in arbitration, as discussed at Overlawyered.com.
- The Difference between Mediation and Arbitration: Because there’s more confusion on this than we’d like to admit.
- Declining Jury Trials: Contractual Arbitration Is Not The Culprit: Because it’s the high cost of trials that’s making us look for alternatives.
- The National Arbitration Forum Offers Updated Information on the Benefits of Arbitration: With great links to arbitration information on The National Arbitration Forum’s website.
- E-Discovery Threatens Justice System, Hurts Those of Modest Means: Linking to an Economist.com article highlighting (some of) the perils of e-discovery.
- 5 Ways Conflict Resolution Can Stretch Your Dollar during the Economic Slump: Because more people should read this post — in good times and in bad times.
Take a look — you’ll be glad you did.
Categories: Arbitration,Blogging,Education,Fundamentals,Mediation,Miscellaneous
1 Perspective:
National Arbitration Forum Blog Editor — Monday, November 17, 2008 9:49 am
Thank you very much for the thorough and kind post! You’ve identified some very resourceful posts for the ADR professional. And, thanks for the add to your ‘Resources’ page!
Happy Blogging!