7 PerspectivesMarch 11, 2010
Toward Better Client Service: A Few Questions for Outside Counsel
In a world of alternative fees, law firm convergence, the ACC Value Challenge and more, what does the client really want? Is it lower fees, predictable expenses, more “value” for the company’s legal dollar, or something else? What’s the best way for a law firm to respond? It turns out that clients are eager to share the answers to all these questions — all you have to do is ask.
A few months ago the lawyers at DrinkerBiddle did just that — they asked. The firm invited a few of us with real experience as clients to the firm’s partner retreat to share our perspectives on client service. They got what they asked for.
The Question Outside Counsel Don’t Ask Often Enough
As soon as we began our talk it became clear that I wasn’t the only one who had thought about the law firm/client relationship before we got there. One of my co-panelists, P.H. Glatfelter Company’s GC Thom Jackson, started by sharing a simple question that outside counsel apparently don’t ask him often enough: More…
Categories: Communication,Fundamentals,Miscellaneous,Settlement
Add Your PerspectiveFebruary 26, 2010
Settlement Perspectives Welcomes Gary Kitchen to A New Role at the Patent Mediation Table
As we go through our careers we all keep a list, whether it’s formal or not — a list of people we’d like to work with again someday. It might be hard work or honesty or an ability to turn an argument, but something puts lawyers on that list. For me, Gary Kitchen is one of those lawyers, so I couldn’t have been more happy to see the recent announcement about his new nationwide patent mediation practice.
This post is a quick welcome to Gary Kitchen to the mediation world — not unlike what Vickie Pynchon and Diane Levin did for me when Settlement Perspectives got its start.
A Patent Mediator with Business Experience
As you can imagine from the title of this blog, on any deal I’m curious about the perspectives of those involved, and Gary’s is tailor-made for patent mediation on a national level. I’ll skip the “former Fortune 50 business executive” blurb from his bio and give you a snippet from a story he told More…
Categories: Mediation,Miscellaneous
3 PerspectivesJanuary 6, 2010
Zen Unicorn: 4 Mediator Marketing Lessons from Seth Godin
Marketing guru Seth Godin isn’t a mediator and, as far as I know, doesn’t even know what one is, but that doesn’t seem to matter. From my perspective — the perspective of one who often selects the mediator — the marketing lessons in Zen Unicorn are tailor-made for mediators and settlement professionals.
Godin has written more than a few books already, but his recent Zen Unicorn is a great idea. It simply rolls up some of the best posts from his blog over the past 3 years and presents them in a click-free, Kindle-only ebook. Four of those posts, and why they’re relevant to mediators, include:
Make something happen
“The best time to plant an oak tree is 20 years ago, and the second best time is now.” I don’t know who said it, but it certainly applies to marketing. In Make something happen Godin tells us to More…
Categories: Blogging,Communication,Mediation,Miscellaneous
5 PerspectivesDecember 15, 2009
Insurance Coverage: 4 Rules and 10 Tips for Policyholders
When the big case comes in, will you be ready for it? As you work to better understand your story, lock down your documents, and brace for the PR impact, what else do you need to worry about? Unfortunately insurance coverage is often way down the list — a mistake most don’t realize until it’s too late.
Recently the ACC Docket featured a piece that Wendy Toolin Breau and I coauthored on managing insurance relationships in the midst of significant litigation, entitled “‘Bet the Company’ Litigation from a Policyholder’s Perspective”. Although you may want to read the entire article when your next big case comes in, the 4 rules and 10 tips we discuss appear below.
Preserving Insurance Coverage: 4 Rules
Insurance is a practice area unto itself, and there are few rules that apply in all situations. But I have never seen an exception to these four:
- Always act like a reasonably prudent insured. When confronted with a decision, what would you do if you were not insured?
- Never try to outsmart yourself. Never rely on colluding with More…
Categories: Mediation,Miscellaneous,Negotiation,Settlement,Strategy