Add Your PerspectiveApril 4, 2013
Settlement Counsel: 10 Free Internet Resources
It’s no secret that I’m a fan of the Settlement Counsel concept — I’ve written about it, I’ve published an Updated List of Settlement Counsel, and I’m speaking about the idea in practice with Gary McGowan and Christopher Nolland today at the 15th Annual Section of Dispute Resolution’s Spring Conference.
For lawyers and clients wanting to learn more, a quick Internet search for “Settlement Counsel” doesn’t easily lead to the most informative — and free — resources, so I pulled together a list of links to where you might want to start. Naturally, if you think I missed a good one, please let me know.
Settlement Counsel Hyperlinks
- Kathy A. Bryan, When ‘Winning’ Is the Expensive Solution, LEGAL TIMES (Apr. 16, 2007).
- Kathy A. Bryan, Why Should Businesses Hire Settlement Counsel?, 2008 J. DISP. RESOL. 195.
- John DeGroote, Who Serves as Settlement Counsel? The (Updated) List, SETTLEMENT PERSPECTIVES L. BLOG (June 11, 2012).
- John DeGroote, Why Settlement Counsel? A Lesson from the Scorpion and the Frog, SETTLEMENT PERSPECTIVES L. BLOG (May 29, 2012).
- John Lande, The Movement Toward Early Case Handling in Courts and Private Dispute Resolution , 24 OHIO ST. J. ON DISP. RESOL. 83, 115-20 (2008).
- James E. McGuire, Why Litigators Should Use Settlement Counsel, 18 ALTERNATIVES TO HIGH COST LITIG. 6 (June 2000).*
- Gary Mendelsohn, Lawyers as Negotiators, 1 HARV. NEGOT. L. REV. 139, 139-67 (1996).
- Charles E. Miller & Peter W. Morgan, A “Best Practice” ADR Strategy in IP Litigation, 17 N.Y. ST. B. ASS’N 3, 3-5 (2008).
- Jack Montgomery, The Case for Settlement Counsel, ME. LAW. REV. (June 21, 2012).
- Alan Rudlin, The case for separate settlement counsel in the ADR process, VA. LAW. WKLY. (Apr. 6, 2012).
- SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT: Analyzing Company ADR Systems Practices: Settlement Counsel; Problems with Billable Hours; and more, 22 ALTERNATIVES TO HIGH COST LITIG. (2004).*
- Gordon Tarnowsky & Noel Rea, Settlement counsel: A new approach to resolving difficult issues, THE LAW. WKLY. (Sept. 12, 2008).
- Scott Van Soye, Settlement Counsel: A New Trend in Litigation?, ADR TIMES (Apr. 21, 2012).
Take a look at some of these resources on Special Settlement Counsel. You’ll be glad you did.
*A special thanks to our friends at Alternatives, who provide a free resource for CPR Institute members but who normally charge nonmembers for articles such as James E. McGuire’s article and the Alternatives Special Supplement listed above. For those who’d like more on Settlement Counsel from Alternatives, the balance of their publication is accessible for a fee on the Wiley Online Library’s Alternatives Page.
A special additional thanks to Keaton Forcht for his assistance with this list as he finished his final year of law school.
Categories: ADR,Negotiation,Settlement,Settlement Counsel