Settlement Perspectives

Thoughts on how to resolve disputes and get your deal done.


6 PerspectivesDecember 31, 2009

A Simple Thank You

A Simple Thank YouYesterday I got to spend a little time with Michael Maslanka, whose Blawg 100-listed Work Matters site many of you might know.  As Mike and I shared ideas and perspectives on Web 2.0, blogging in general, and the true sense of community that drives it all, I reflected a bit on 2009 and the people and personalities that make Settlement Perspectives what it is.

While that first post of 2009 seems like only yesterday, a lot has happened since then.  Through it all many of you have subscribed to, commented on and forwarded the posts you have seen here, and for that I cannot thank you enough.

In addition to the active readership we have at Settlement Perspectives, several prominent bloggers and publications have linked to our posts.  Following up on a great idea I saw earlier this week on the Loree Reinsurance and Arbitration Law Forum, I take this opportunity to highlight many of those blogs and publications as a way to say “thank you”.

Decision Tree Analysis And More

Early in the year we did a series on decision trees and how to use them more effectively in mediation and litigation.  The series generated some interesting discussions, including:

Early Case Assessment

ECAs are always a popular topic, and this year was no exception.  Notable discussions included:

Blogging and Web 2.0

I may be a bit behind the curve on Web 2.0, but it’s clear we’re all learning together.  The conversation has recently included:

Insurance Coverage

Late in the year we joined the discussion on insurance coverage from the policyholder’s perspective.  Follow-up included:

Other Topics and Sites

As 2009 comes to an end, I will close as we began.  Thank you, and Happy New Year.

Categories: Blogging,Negotiation

6 Perspectives:

Jacob R.Friday, January 1, 2010 12:27 am

Glad to have you blogging. It’s always interesting and exciting to read your posts. Keep it up in 2010!

John DeGrooteFriday, January 1, 2010 12:28 pm


Thanks for your encouragement and for your thoughts throughout the year on Decision Tree Analysis — your contributions have made Settlement Perspectives a more robust resource for all of us.

John DeGroote

Philip J. Loree Jr.Friday, January 1, 2010 2:45 pm

My modest “thank you” post pales in comparison to yours. Thanks for all the mentions, and Happy New Year!


John DeGrooteFriday, January 1, 2010 9:40 pm


Thanks again for helping us close out 2009 the way we did. Giving us a quote was one thing, but allowing us to steal your idea for a thank you post was quite another. Here’s to a great 2010–

John DeGroote

Diane LevinTuesday, January 5, 2010 9:14 am

John, thank you so much for including my blog in this outstanding compilation of links. I’ve been a big fan of your blog since you first launched it. Your contributions to discussions about negotiation and settlement are simply superb, and I am grateful to you not only for your insights but also for your neighborliness here in the dispute resolution blogosphere. It’s such a pleasure to have “met” you, and I hope one day we can continue our conversation in the real world.

Wishing you a peaceful, joyous, healthy, and prosperous New Year,

John DeGrooteTuesday, January 5, 2010 12:34 pm


You may or may not know that one of the more influential posts I read before I started Settlement Perspectives was one of yours — Mediation bloggers: are you making the most of the social side of blogging? If I’m “neighborly,” I’m only following your lead.

Thanks, Diane–

John DeGroote

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Settlement Perspectives
is the professional weblog
of John DeGroote.

I created this site to help clients and their counsel navigate the challenges that inevitably result from disputes, settlement efforts, impasse, and negotiation in general. The perspectives I bring are based on my experience, summarized in this abbreviated bio. If you have any questions or thoughts about this site, or an issue you’d like to see addressed, please email me at:


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